Celebrate Life Day In Review

Celebrate Life Day 2022

After putting the event on pause due to the pandemic, it was truly special to be back together in-person for Support Connection’s Celebrate Life Day. Over one hundred cancer survivors, caregivers, friends, and family joined together to celebrate their triumphs and joy with each other.

Guests enjoyed a delicious lunch, music, and a chance to relax and enjoy one another’s company at Traveler’s Rest in Ossining, NY. The afternoon included an inspirational speech shared by Support Connection Peer Counselor, Denise Rodman, who was moved to work with the organization after her own cancer journey, which included Support Connection services.

Special thanks to Arber Balidemaj / The Select Team / Compass Real Estate, our Event Sponsor, whose support made the luncheon possible.

Support Connection is grateful to Travelers Rest and their staff for their wonderful hospitality. We also greatly appreciate everyone who helped make this day a very special celebration of life by providing extraordinary hand-made items or by volunteering their time to make the day a success.

Please enjoy our Event Slideshow, which shares more information about Celebrate Life Day, the mission of Support Connection and who we are. Heartfelt thanks to many who generously donated their time and efforts to make the day possible.

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